Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Database Best Practices

It has recently occurred to me that the design, construction, maintenance, and information-mining of Good Databases are the quintessential keystones of knowledge for any Advanced Excel User.

Creating a Database in an ongoing Excel workbook can save you time, money, and frustration. By creating a database for information that is routinely updated, you can automate your reports and simplify your users’ interface.

Today we will look at what constitutes a Good Database, and what pitfalls to watch out for.

First of all, a database should contain data, and that is all! No formulas should exist in a database, just pure Data waiting to be turned into Information on a separate worksheet.

Secondly, there should be no blank rows (as you know, they are called “Records” in a database) and No blank columns (called “Fields” in a database).

Thirdly, put only one piece of data in each field. This will eliminate the need for repeating fields, and make your information-mining much easier.

Lastly, make sure the information is entered in the proper field. If the data entry person (maybe you) cannot find the right place for a piece of data, perhaps the database needs some redesigning.

Now that you have a Magnificent Database, you can Mine it for Information!

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