Thursday, January 26, 2012

Creating and Using Excel Templates

As an Advanced Excel User, you want to avail yourself of every accessible efficiency tool. Excel Templates are files containing common data and formatting options used as Models for other spreadsheets.

A Template is a great shortcut for standardizing the look and functionality of your data. Templates can also provide you with a Standard Framework in which to input and share your data. Reusable formulas and fields enable you to Speed Up your input and get the information that you want in the form you want.

Creating a Template:

1. Open a worksheet you want to use as the basis for the template
2. Choose Save As and enter a name for the template
3. From the Save as Type list, select Template
4. Save the file inside the Templates folder

Using a Template

1. Go to the File menu and choose New
2. Click on Templates and select the general category
3. Double-click on the desired template
4. A new worksheet opens and displays the template
5. Be sure to Name the worksheet when you save it

That’s all there is to it! Try it out – Templates can Save You a Lot of Work, and help you maintain a consistent, Professional Look.

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